Vitamin IV Drips Q & A

by Rashmi Gulati, MD

What are the benefits of vitamin IV drips compared to taking vitamins orally?

Vitamins are used by every process in the body, including tissue and cell regeneration, metabolism and vital disease-fighting mechanisms. Taking vitamins by mouth can provide the body with some of the nutrients it needs, but delivering vitamins directly to the bloodstream is the best way to ensure the nutrients can be adequately absorbed by the body's tissues where they're most needed and used. Vitamin infusions delivered by IV also provide higher concentrations to help the body achieve optimal health, especially when recovering from illness or to prevent long-term diseases from developing. And of course, because they're delivered to the blood vessels and avoid the stomach, there's no risk of stomach upset that can occur with many oral vitamin supplements.

How is vitamin infusion therapy performed?

Vitamin therapy uses an intravenous drip system to deliver nutrients directly to the bloodstream so they have near-immediate access to the organs and tissues. In addition to vitamins, the solution also contains important minerals and other nutrients vital to good health. Unlike off-the-shelf supplements, IV vitamin therapy can be customized to meet your specific medical needs for truly customized care.

How often will I need to have vitamin infusion therapy?

That depends on the health issues you're facing. During your consultation, we'll discuss your needs and your health goals so a program can be custom-tailored just for you.

What kinds of illnesses and conditions can vitamin IV drips treat?

Vitamin drips can be used to treat or prevent a wide array of illnesses and medical conditions, including:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • colds and flu
  • irritable bowel syndrome and other GI issues
  • Lyme disease
  • allergies and asthma
  • hepatitis
  • immune disorders
  • fibromyalgia
  • high blood pressure
  • anxiety and depression

Plus, it can be used to maximize health in pregnant women and to aid in recovery following surgery or other medical treatments.

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