Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

What is Breast Reconstruction?

If you have recently undergone a mastectomy, as part of your cancer treatment or as a preventative measure, you're probably curious about breast reconstruction options. First of all, we here at Patients Medical would like to take a moment to honor your journey. There are few surgical procedures that can have such a powerful impact on a woman as the removal of one or both of her breasts. Once you have healed physically, you can begin to decide whether or not breast reconstruction is right for you.

What is breast reconstruction?

There are several different surgical techniques used to complete a breast reconstruction procedure. The end goal is the same: to recreate breast tissue and a nipple, and to restore the general appearance of your chest as closely as possible to its original appearance. Or, you can go all out and create the breasts you always wished you had! Either way, our doctors will work compassionately with you throughout the process, informing you of what is possible, what isn't, and the best way to reconstruct breasts that you feel comfortable with.

Your procedure can be done during your mastectomy, or after you have healed from your initial surgery and any other cancer treatments you may need to complete. The important thing is that you are as healthy as possible so your body has the opportunity to heal well.

Please be aware that your reconstructed breasts will not have the identical look, feel, and sensation as your original breasts. These differences will be discussed in more detail during your consultation.

Am I a good candidate for breast reconstruction?

From the physical aspect, almost any woman who is in relatively good health is a candidate for breast reconstruction. That being said, it is very important that you honor your emotional self when making this decision. Here are some questions we recommend you ask yourself, or go over with a few of your trusted loved ones, as you make your decision.

  • How have I coped with my diagnosis and treatment?
  • Have I accepted my situation, or found a way to make peace with it, or am I still in denial?
  • Why am I interested in breast reconstruction?
  • Am I making this decision for myself, or because someone else wants me to do it?
  • Do I have any other medical conditions or illnesses that will hinder my healing process?
  • Are my goals for healing, as well as the physical outcome from this procedure, realistic?

The answers to these questions will help you determine whether or not this is the right time for a breast reconstruction. If you decide you aren't ready, that's okay. You can always revisit the idea when you are ready.

How is a breast reconstruction performed?

In many cases, there is not enough tissue left after a mastectomy to directly insert an implant. There are two methods used to create more room.

  • Surgical grafting: Your doctor can create an extra tissue flap by removing tissue from your abdomen, buttock, or side, and grafting it onto your chest.
  • Tissue expansion: This procedure takes place over 4-6 months and is done by inserting an expander under the skin. You slowly expand it, little by little, to stretch your skin. In some cases, the expander may be able to serve as the implant itself.

Once there is enough room, the doctor will insert the implant of your choice: saline or silicone. You also have the option of Fat Grafting, which uses fat from one area of your body and grafts it into your new breast pocket. Lastly, a new areola and nipple will be constructed. 

How can I help the healing process along after the breast reconstruction surgery?

Our holistic medical center offers a host of different options to assist you in healing quickly and completely from your procedure. We offer pre- and post-operative programs that can be customized to your medical condition. These programs may include:

  • Nutrient IV Therapy – Customized vitamin and mineral drips that deliver nutrition straight to your body’s cells without having to bypass your digestive system.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Our chamber offers you increased exposure to oxygen at an increased pressure that has been scientifically proven to accelerate healing of surgical scars and other wounds.
  • Targeted nutrition therapy and nutritional supplements – Our doctors and nutritionist will customize a program that will include supplements and foods that are full of anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, essential fatty acids and other building blocks of nutrition that will nurture your body from the inside-out.

Begin Your Journey to Wellness with Patients Medical

Our job at Patients Medical is to listen, to connect the dots between a patient's medical history, symptoms, and their underlying causes. Patients Medical is a superb place for women and men to secure integrative and holistic health care from providers who give personalized care, partner with the patient to focus on the root cause of their illness, support their recovery, and help them maintain good health.

To make an appointment with one of our physicians, please call us at 1-212-794-8800. We look forward to hearing from you.

Next Steps For Supplement Therapy:

Many of us will benefit by taking supplements for the issues discussed on this page.

To order the supplements, please visit our supplements store website Or call 1-212-794-8800 to place an order.

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