Lactose Test

There are several tests that can be used to diagnose lactose intolerance, including:

  1. Lactose tolerance test: This test measures the body's blood sugar level before and after consuming a lactose-containing drink. A decrease in blood sugar level can indicate lactose intolerance.
  2. Hydrogen breath test. An increase in hydrogen levels can indicate lactose intolerance.
  3. Stool acidity test: This test measures the acidity of the stool after consuming lactose. Increased acidity can indicate lactose intolerance.
  4. Genetic testing: A genetic test can identify specific genetic mutations that are associated with lactose intolerance. It is important to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How to test for lactose intolerance

There are several tests that can be used to diagnose lactose intolerance, including:

  1. Lactose tolerance test: This test measures the body's blood sugar level before and after consuming a lactose-containing drink. A decrease in blood sugar level can indicate lactose intolerance.
  2. Hydrogen breath test. An increase in hydrogen levels can indicate lactose intolerance.
  3. Stool acidity test: This test measures the acidity of the stool after consuming lactose. Increased acidity can indicate lactose intolerance.
  4. Genetic testing: A genetic test can identify specific genetic mutations that are associated with lactose intolerance. It's important to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor will recommend the appropriate test based on your symptoms and medical history. In some cases, they may also ask you to keep a food diary to help identify which foods are causing symptoms.

Lactose intolerance breath test

The hydrogen breath test is a commonly used test to diagnose lactose intolerance. The test measures the amount of hydrogen in your breath after consuming a lactose-containing drink.

Here is a general outline of the test:

  1. You will be asked to fast for several hours before the test.
  2. A baseline breath sample will be taken before you consume the lactose-containing drink.
  3. You will then drink a solution containing lactose.
  4. Breath samples will be taken at regular intervals (usually every 15 to 20 minutes) for about 2-3 hours
  5. The breath samples will be analyzed for hydrogen content.

If you have lactose intolerance, your small intestine will not produce enough of the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for breaking down lactose. The undigested lactose will then ferment in the large intestine, producing hydrogen gas. If the level of hydrogen in your breath is higher than the baseline, it suggests that you have lactose intolerance.
It's important to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor will recommend the appropriate test based on your symptoms and medical history.

Blood test for lactose intolerance

A blood test for lactose intolerance is not typically used as the primary method for diagnosis, but it can be used in conjunction with other tests. One such test is a Lactose Tolerance Test. Here is a general outline of the test:

  1. You will be asked to fast for several hours before the test.
  2. Blood will be taken to measure your baseline blood sugar level.
  3. You will then consume a drink containing lactose.
  4. Blood samples will be taken at regular intervals (usually every 30 minutes) for about 2-3 hours
  5. The blood samples will be analyzed for blood sugar level.

If you have lactose intolerance, your small intestine will not produce enough of the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for breaking down lactose. The undigested lactose will then ferment in the large intestine, which can cause symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea and stomach cramps. The lactose intolerance test measures how well your body can digest lactose by testing your blood sugar level before and after you consume lactose. If your blood sugar level does not increase after consuming lactose, it suggests that you have lactose intolerance.

It's important to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor will recommend the appropriate test based on your symptoms and medical history.


Genetics and Milk Digestion

Milk has been called "the almost perfect food", rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Therefore, it is surprising that those who cannot digest milk sugar make up the majority of the world’s population! Any adult fortunate enough to be able to drink milk without getting sick belongs to a biological minority: they are limited to a portion of white North Americans, Australians, Northern Europeans, and three African tribes-the Fulani, the Hima and the Tussi.

Have you ever tried to order milk in an authentic Chinese restaurant that caters largely to Chinese clientele, or to find an authentic Chinese recipe which contains milk? You probably failed in both efforts. Most Chinese adults do not drink milk because they cannot fully digest it. The Chinese, and others who cannot digest milk sugar (lactose), do not have a lactase enzyme. All babies (including Chinese, of course) have the enzyme until they are about three years old; after which they gradually lose the ability to manufacture the enzyme. Some groups have learned to use nature to destroy the lactose in milk; for instance, an African tribe which is a lactase non-producer consumes a highly-fermented yogurt, called nono, which has soured in the sun and lost its milk sugar, and many natives of India include yogurt in the diet, because it has lost much of its lactose in the fermentation process.

The lactase enzyme is produced in a segment of the small intestine called the jejunum. As milk is carried through the jejunum, the lactase enzyme latches onto the milk sugar and splits it into two components, glucose and galactose, which are absorbed into the blood and broken down or stored by the liver. When the jejunum can no longer manufacture the lactase enzyme, lactose passes through the small intestine to the colon where it is fermented by bacteria. Depending on the lactose load and the severity of the lactase enzyme deficiency, when it is fermented, lactose gives off acids, carbon dioxide and hydrogen and can induce everything from an unpleasant distention to bloating, cramps and watery, explosive diarrhea.

The question of why most Northern Europeans can drink milk and many of those in the Middle East or the Orient cannot has stimulated research in anthropology, geography, sociology, genetics and biochemistry. Does a constant diet of milk stimulate the continued production of lactase beyond the age of three? Or, is milk tolerance an inherited trait like brown skin or blonde hair? The answer to these questions has come from studies of mixed marriages (between lactose tolerant and lactose intolerant individuals). The ability to digest milk sugar beyond childhood is passed along genetically and is a dominant trait. Thus, if a child inherits a gene for lifelong milk tolerance from one parent and a gene for milk intolerance from the other parent, the child will be milk tolerant.

Given the evidence that milk tolerance is an inherited characteristic, why is the gene prevalent in some cultures and not in others? Why is the gene present in a few African tribes, but absent throughout the rest of the continent? Scientists believe that man originally evolved without the capacity to digest milk sugar beyond the period of weaning; for 100 million years we were not different from other mammals. However, about 9,000 B.C. man began domesticating animals such as goats, sheep and cattle, and sometime after that started milking the animals. For instance, the nomadic African tribe, the Fulani, were one of those dairying cultures. A few individuals in the tribe had a mutant gene which produced lactase into adulthood and found that they could drink milk without ill effects. Over the course of thousands of years, the milk drinkers became the dominant members of the Fulani. A similar genetic history presumably accounts for the high incidence of lactase producing genes in Northern European descendants, as well.

Within the last decade an accurate, easy-to-use test has been developed to identify individuals with complete or partial inability to digest lactose. This noninvasive test measures trace concentrations of hydrogen in the air expired from the lungs after a person has drunk a glass of liquid lactose. Hydrogen will be produced by the fermentation of lactose in the colon of an individual who is a lactase non-producer, and will appear in the "alveolar air" after the undigested milk sugar gets to the colon. A few individuals (5-10% of those who are lactose malabsorbers) produce methane instead of hydrogen when lactose is fermented. They are identified as non-lactase producers who do not produce hydrogen, by testing with "lactulose", a sugar which is not normally digested and will produce hydrogen unless conditions in the colon are unsuitable for the test to be applied.. These conditions include recent exposure to antibiotics, severe diarrhea prior to the test and conditions which change the acidity of the colon contents. Thus, although the breath-hydrogen test is not infallible, it is the most reliable and the only "non-invasive" test available.


Ethnic Group % Intolerant

Ethnic Group % Intolerant

Ethnic Group % Intolerant

African Blacks 97~100

Asian 90~100

N.A. Indians 8~90

Dravidian Indians 9~100

Mexicans 70~80

S.A. Indians 70~90

Mediterranean’s 6~90

Jews 60~80

N.A. Blacks 7~75

North/Central India 25~50

NW India 3~15

N.A. Caucasians 7~15

Middle Europeans 10~20

N. Europeans 1~5

Pakistan 3~15

The benefits of breath testing

What is the justification for a breath-hydrogen test for lactose malabsorption since the diagnosis can be made by simply removing milk ( and milk products ) from the diet and looking for a change in the patient's symptoms?

There are at least 4 reasons why simply withholding milk from the diet is an imprecise and inadequate approach to the diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption:

  • The simplistic approach of withholding milk from the diet as a diagnostic test will be unequivocal only with those patients who are so obviously intolerant that they will probably know it, anyway. Even then, the answer is incomplete, since the procedure provides no evidence as to whether or not total avoidance of milk products is necessary for the relief of symptoms.
  • Recently, it has become clear that many marginally intolerant patients are not suspected of having lactose intolerance until it is identified by the breath-hydrogen test Results from the test enabled patients to associate symptoms with lactose ingestion, which led to improvement after its restriction.
  • When the test is properly performed, the breath-H2 response provides a general guide as to the severity of the malabsorption. It is useful to have at least semi-quantitative data which suggests how severe the lactose malabsorption might be. Therefore, the test can be a guide for recommending the level at which milk or milk products can be included in the diet. Total avoidance may be unnecessary burden for some patients and a threat to health unless supplemental calcium is added to their diets.

Lactose Malabsorption Tests

When bacteria metabolize (or ferment) carbohydrates, they produce acids, water and gases. The major gases include carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2). half of H2-producers also produce methane (CH4). Furthermore, CH4 production has been identified in those who fail to produce H2 following ingestion of non-digestible sugars. pattern of gas production is related to the type of bacteria resident in the colon and cannot be predicted in advance.

Treatment Based on Lactose Intolerance Test

The treatment for lactose intolerance is to limit or avoid dairy products in the diet.

  1. Lactose-free milk or lactase supplements: Lactose-free milk and lactase supplements can be used to reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance. These products contain the enzyme lactase, which helps break down lactose in the gut.
  2. Reduce consumption of dairy products: People with lactose intolerance should reduce their consumption of dairy products, especially milk and other high-lactose foods like ice cream, cheese, and yogurt.
  3. Consume small amounts of dairy: Some people may be able to tolerate small amounts of dairy products in their diet, so it's important to find out what works best for you.
  4. Alternatives to Dairy: There are many alternatives to dairy products, such as soy milk, almond milk, and other plant-based milks that can be used in place of cow's milk.
  5. Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help improve digestion and reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance.

It's important to note that people with lactose intolerance can still consume small amounts of dairy products or take lactase supplements without any problem, but it's best to consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication or supplements.

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